These wallpaper ideas can help improve your focus & mood at work.
In this day and age, working from home has become the norm. Many still don’t realize this, but if you work from home, you should be aware that your workspace or office is crucial to your work. A well-designed, relaxing work environment leads to a less stressful and more productive atmosphere—something we can all benefit from.
To create a pleasant working environment, consider the furnishings and other items that will fit your workspace. Essentials, such as a chair, desk, and storage, are key here. But if you want to be extra creative, you could embellish the walls with interesting wallpaper designs. A creative office space stimulates your creativity, improves your focus, and boosts your well-being at work.
Be inspired by some of these home office ideas, featuring Printerie’s selection of wallpapers:
Dark & bold
A grey or black wallpaper is ideal for creating a masculine home office design.
Totally Zen
Earthy hues like beiges, greys, and other soft neutrals will create a Zen-like ambiance and invite a sense of relaxation and calmness to your workspace.
Overly chic
Express your chic, stylish personality with this cute and minimalist patterned wallpaper.
A splash of color
Accenting one of your office walls with bright colors may be just the thing to remedy low-energy afternoons.
Set the right working mood with these wallpaper ideas, or browse our website for a wide range of colors and patterns at
Do you want to customise any design or create your own wallpaper? We can help you! Shoot us an email at
Work in style with the Printerie!